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Planet Made of Plastic

Where we Minister

HGFRIC responds to its biblical mandate by working with called ministers around the Globe to: Help local pastors Start Churches; Train and Mentor Pastors; provide spiritual food through bible studies and home visits; provide physical healing and nourishment through prayer and provision of daily meal staples. Many of the communities are poor and their recourses do not fully support the pastors nor our partnership with them.   Currently we work with pastors and communities in these locations. 

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Albania and Italy

Established in January 2021 this ministry has started two churches established in Albania in two different cities with a school of ministry and a youth program.  There are over 100 converts from Islamic faith and feed over 800 people with food, accommodation for single mothers and medical prescription assistance. This ministry has brought hope to the people of Albania.


Turin Italy, established the beginning of 2023 through a few key families who live in both Albania and Turin. Through this family, a house church, bible study and leadership training has been established. This training has begun to training and equip the members with their spiritual gifts.


Funding is used for food, maintaining ministry automobile and rent and  encouragement for the pastors.


Central and South America

Started in February 2019 with a trip to Costa Rica and Panama is has now expanded to Peru, Guatemala, Columbia, Ecuador, and Cuba.  This ministry has been bringing about a new revival through the training, teachings, home visits and encouragement of the churches and their members.  Prayer has brought healing and hope.  The churches have grown in membership and connection with the communities and the members.


Funding is used for travel and lodging to continue mentorship, training and pastoral supervision to continue to assist in the foundation of evangelism and spiritual nourishment.


Sierra Leone

Established in May of 2021.  This ministry is the only church in the Waterloo Village in Sierra Leone.  There have been baptisms and conversion from Muslim faith.  It has brought hope, light, encouragement, healing and nourishment.  This has connected the village and brought unity such that they all came together and built a church building.  The land for the building was provided by a member.


Funding would be used for continual  building maintenance and raise the floor level.  The building is constructed from Zinc and prone to damage and flooding from heavy rains common in Sierra Leone.  Funding also provide fuel for the lanterns used in evening worship (no electricity). Funding also provide rent and encouragment for the pastor.

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