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Holy Ghost Fire Revival International Center - a Church without Walls

Holy Ghost Fire Revival International Center is an evangelistic world-wide ministry with an apostolic mantle and world-wide vision to spread the Holy Ghost Fire Revival around the world. It is a church without walls as we are “church” wherever we go.

Strategies for our Ministry

The Holy Ghost impact is brought through the preaching and teachings of the Word of God by divine revelation, imbuing a ministry of visiting with people in their homes for prayer, and worship, and through provision of food with signs and wonders following. It is a ministry of spiritual edification, physical nourishment, and relationship healing. The majority of the communities served and visited are poorer communities with limited access to formal pastoral education, mentorship, oversight and encouragement. To equip these leaders we have a five-part strategy.



Establish Spirit and Life Bible Schools


Pastoral Trainings and Mentoring


Revival meetings / street evangelism / home visitations


Establish strong intercessory prayer groups


Challenge the body of Christ and the church leaders to work together in the unity of the Holy Spirit

Provide opportunity for pastors and lay preachers to educate them in the word of God in the simplest form of learning. This enables them to have an effective, productive and successful ministry. 

Through showing how to effectively preach, do revivals, home visitations and prayer intercession, this is hands on learning, coaching and mentoring is for the leaders growth and spiritual development.

We are a church without walls therefore we have no confinement for church - we make our dwelling in the neighborhood. This brings Jesus to the streets - a proactive step towards the people and meeting them where they are.

Prayer is the key - this is the powerhouse of ministry - the backbone - the lifeline.  Everything we do is under and through prayer.  Prayer is also the covering that puts the Armour of God on the ministry, the people and the churches and communities we work in. 

Promote ecclesiastic community.  We teach and model working together regardless of denominations.  We encourage the body of Christ to unite and work together as a team to promote the Kingdom of God.

Where we Minister

HGFRIC responds to its biblical mandate by working with called ministers around the Globe to: Help local pastors Start Churches; Train and Mentor Pastors; provide spiritual food through bible studies and home visits; provide physical healing and nourishment through prayer and provision of daily meal staples.  Currently we work with pastors and communities in these locations. 

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